October 25, 2010


Before leaving for San Miguel, I discovered a store called Lululemon.  I bought a new pair of cropped yoga pants and two tanks.  They placed my purchase in a reusable bag and I was on my way.  Only after I was back home and really looked at the bag did I understand how this was kismet.  On one side of the bag was the Lululemon manifesto.  In part, it read 'This year I will dance, sing, floss and travel.'  How appropriate as I have declared 2010 the year...my year...to change a few things.

I finally saw the Lion King musical, I started singing in church, I heard the Dalai Lama speak at the local university, I bought my first painting, I got a brand new expensive sewing machine...I went to the Creative Connection Event and met wonderful women including Amy Butler and Ree Drummond.  I began to work on creating the woman that I want to be, or at least the woman that I think I want to be.  I planned a trip to San Miguel even though some of my girlfriends thought I would never leave my job to travel, they thought I was a wannabe Elizabeth Gilbert.  I sold my house, quit my job, and bought a one way ticket to San Miguel.

October 19, 2010


It may have been faux pax for me to take this photo.  I wanted to capture the moment.  If I took pictures of only brightly colored buildings and tchotchkies, then I would not be telling the whole story.  Everyday I try to figure out why my Starbucks was 70 pesos because I can't adjust to the exchange rate.  While I consider the 'latte factor', others go without.

October 18, 2010


I arrived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico three days ago.  My intentions are to stay for six weeks, although I have already met people and heard stories of those who came here to visit and never returned home.  If I say that this trip is to find myself, then there is some suggestion that I am lost.  I am a free spirit for sure.  I do hope for a simpler life and maybe that is what this journey is all about...